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SEJARAH ACT FREE CHOICE DI WEST PAPUA Ketika Indonesia memperoleh kemerdekaannya dari Belanda pada tahun 1949, pemerintah Belanda mempertahankan kontrol atas wilayah West New Guinea. Dari tahun 1949 sampai 1961 pemerintah Indonesia berusaha untuk "memulihkan" New Guinea Barat  (yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Irian Barat atau Papua Barat), dengan alasan bahwa wilayah tersebut, bagian dari bekas Hindia Belanda, yang seharusnya merupakan milik PAPUA. Pada akhir tahun 1961, setelah usaha yang berulang dan gagal untuk mencapai tujuannya melalui Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, Presiden Indonesia Sukarno mengumumkan sebuah mobilisasi militer dan mengancam untuk menyerang New Guinea dan mencapainya secara paksa. Pemerintahan Kennedy, karena khawatir oposisi AS terhadap tuntutan Indonesia dapat mendorong negara tersebut ke arah komunisme, mensponsori pembicaraan antara Belanda dan Indonesia pada musim semi tahun 1962. Negosiasi berlangsung di bawah bayang-bayang serangan militer I...


SEJARAH ACT FREE CHOICE DI PAPUA   Ketika Indonesia memperoleh kemerdekaannya dari Belanda pada tahun 1949, pemerintah Belanda mempertahankan kontrol atas wilayah West New Guinea. Dari tahun 1949 sampai 1961 pemerintah Indonesia berusaha untuk "memulihkan" New Guinea Barat (yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Irian Barat atau Papua Barat), dengan alasan bahwa wilayah tersebut, bagian dari bekas Hindia Belanda, yang seharusnya merupakan milik Indonesia. Pada akhir tahun 1961, setelah usaha yang berulang dan gagal untuk mencapai tujuannya melalui Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, Presiden Indonesia Sukarno mengumumkan sebuah mobilisasi militer dan mengancam untuk menyerang New Guinea dan mencapainya secara paksa. Pemerintahan Kennedy, karena khawatir oposisi AS terhadap tuntutan Indonesia dapat mendorong negara tersebut ke arah komunisme, mensponsori pembicaraan antara Belanda dan Indonesia pada musim semi tahun 1962. Negosiasi berlangsung di bawah bayang-bayang serangan militer Indo...

Indonesia's 1969 Takeover of West Papua Not by "Free Choice"

Document Release Marks 35th Anniversary of Controversial Vote and Annexation Secret Files Show U.S. Support for Indonesia, Human Rights Abuses by Indonesian Military When Indonesia gained its independence from the Netherlands in 1949, the Dutch government retained control over the territory of West New Guinea. From 1949 until 1961 the Indonesian government sought to "recover" West New Guinea (later known as West Irian or West Papua), arguing that the territory, a part of the former Netherlands East Indies, rightfully belonged with Indonesia. In late 1961, after repeated and unsuccessful attempts to secure its goals through the United Nations, Indonesia's President Sukarno declared a military mobilization and threatened to invade West New Guinea and annex it by force. The Kennedy administration, fearing that U.S. opposition to Indonesian demands might push the country toward Communism, sponsored talks between the Netherlands and Indonesia in the spring of 196...

the Indonesian government without compensation to the Melanesian population,

The exploitation of natural resources by extractive industries results in catastrophic harms to human and environmental health and indigenous societies. Typically, mainstream global media, most of which are in thrall to corporate interests, look the other way when such military corporate injustices are perpetrated upon indigenous populations. New Guinea is the second largest island on earth, and one of 20,000-30,000 archipelagos in the South Pacific. The island is divided vertically, with independent Papua New Guinea occupying the eastern section and West Papua, now an unwilling province of Indonesia, occupying the western side. There are more than 250 tribes, more than 270 distinct languages and thousands of different pidgin dialects. In addition to copper and gold, abundant natural resources include natural gas, oil, timber and fish. These resources profit corporate interests and the Indonesian government without compensation to the Melanesian population, who live in poverty. ...


The conflict includes Indonesia's war against the Netherlands over West Papua in 1962 and the conflict with separatist guerillas after it annexed West Papua in 1962, a conflict that escalated to war in 1976-78. Western New Guinea had been part of the Dutch East Indies, and Indonesian nationalists had thus claimed it on this basis. Indonesia was able to instigate a diplomatic and military confrontation with the Dutch over the territory following an Indonesian-Soviet arms agreement in 1960. It was, however, United States pressure on the Netherlands that led to an Indonesian takeover in 1963. Sukarno made the take over of western New Guinea a focus of his continuing struggle against Dutch imperialism and part of a broader Third World conflict with the West papua. Indonesia launched seaborne and paratroop incursions into the territory but with little success. The Dutch knew that a military campaign to retain the region would require protracted jungle warfare, and were unwilling t...