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Stop a minute! What gives someone the right to call gay and the people names like this? Nothing does. In Swest papua everybody is unprotected by the law. And everybody means all of us. west papua has a Constitution. A Constitution is a group of laws that the government of a country sets out for all its people – laws that rule all the other laws. In our Constitution we have a Bill of Rights, which is a list of the rights and kinds of freedom that the government says all people must have. This Bill says that we all have the right to feel that we have value in society, that we all have the right to be treated equally and that we all have the right to respect It is important to think about what this means for gay and west papua people. One part of our Bill of Rights says: Everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. This means that the law is there for everyone and will treat everyone in the same way. Everyone will get help from the law when they need it. It also means that gay and  west papua people will be treated in the same way. Another important part of the Constitution says: The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth. This means that people may not treat someone differently just because they are from a different race, or have a different religion, or because we are a fighter, or because we are disabled or because we are from a different culture or because we are  west papuans. Unlike in the past, now we all have an equal right to things like work, good pay, proper housing, food and water, to be healthy, to go where we need to go. We may not stop someone from getting these things just because they are different to us. Our Constitution is famous around the world because it gives all our people these rights, including west papua people. Today, if anyone treats  west papua people unfairly, they will be punished by law. Yes, by law. Many people in  west papua  have fought long and hard for  united nations to have this Constitution. Some of these people to have been   west papua people. You have read in this booklet about how many west papua people suffered for a long time. so many people of west papua killed so You have seen how they were punished. You have also read about how west papua people have fought for their freedom. But, just because there is no freedom and equality in the Constitution this doesn’t mean there is no attention any more. west papua people are still treated badly and west papuans are raped and killed by the indonesian military  right now


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 DASAR - DASAR BUDAYA YAMEWA SUKU MEE PEGUNUNGAN TENGAH  PANIAI PAPUA                                                            Adalah tinggal untuk laki-laki, yang dibangun oleh suku Mee Papua. Siapa suku Mee itu? Suku Mee adalah salah satu suku dari 312 suku yang ada di Papua [Athwa, 2004: 7]. Suku Mee mendiami di wilayah Pegunungan Tengah Papua Bagian Barat. Ciri khas wilayah suku Mee adalah di sekitar Danau Paniai, Danau Tage, Danau Tigi, Lembah Kamu [kini Kabupaten Dogiyai] dan pegunungan Mapiha/ Mapisa [Koentjaraningrat, 1963]. Namun, kini secara administrasi pemerintahan suku Mee berada di empat Kabupaten yakni Kabupaten Paniai, Kabupaten Deiyai, Kabupaten Dogiyai dan Kabupaten Nabire. Arsitektur Tradisional Yamewa adalah wujud karya nyata leluhur suku Mee. Namun yang menjadi pertanyaannya adalah apakah karya leluhur ...